
With this cycle route you follow the path of freedom. From Wageningen you cycle past various historical locations with markings from the Liberation Route Europe, the Ginkelse Heide, the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem and the Airborne Museum at Hartenstein.

With this cycle route you follow the path of freedom. From Wageningen you cycle past various historical locations with markings from the Liberation Route Europe, the Ginkelse Heide, the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem and the Airborne Museum at Hartenstein.

There was heavy fighting in the area around Arnhem and Wageningen during the Second World War. The much-discussed, failed Allied Operation Market Garden cost thousands of lives in September 1944. The Allies covered a long route before the whole of the Netherlands could be liberated from the German occupiers. With this cycle route you follow the path of freedom. From Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen you cycle past various historical locations with markings of the Liberation Route Europe, the Ginkelse Heide, the John Frost Bridge in Arnhem and the Airborne Museum at Hartenstein where you learn more about this battle.

Do you want to shorten or lengthen the route along the way? At each junction you will find a map on the information panel and you can easily adjust your route yourself. This route can also be found in the Cycling Route Booklet 2023, visit one of the tourist information locations to receive a copy of the route booklet!


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