Walkers see more. And that’s a good thing on the Veluwe: no matter which hiking route you choose, make sure you allow plenty of time to stop and look around. Book a tour with a ranger to increase your chances of seeing wild animals: wild boar, red deer and plenty of other animals. Follow a klompenpad (literally: clog path) through a farmyard or choose a combination of history and culture on the sand dunes of Kootwijkerzand. It’s an impressive sight when you climb the sand drift for the first time and the historical building of Radio Kootwijk looms up in the distance! Take a walk past the hunting lodge, Jachthuis St. Hubertus, where government ministers and important guests frequently stay.
Get your clogs on
Walking through fields, country estates, along streams and across farms Klompenpaden (‘clog paths’) are cultural/historical rights of way across private property such as country estates and farmland. Clog paths follow historical, off-road routes as much as possible. A klompenpad walk is varied and can sometimes even be a little ‘adventurous’, requiring you to climb over stiles, cross wobbly bridges or walk through a field of cows.

© Photography Jurjen Drenth