De Veluwe te Paard

Purple heaths, ancient forests, vast meadows and white sand drifts: that is the Veluwe! You will encounter all this beauty on this equestrian route, which is fully marked with junctions and runs over wide sandy paths. The route is 24 kilometers long and suitable for both drivers and riders.

Purple heaths, ancient forests, vast meadows and white sand drifts: that is the Veluwe! You will encounter all this beauty on this equestrian route, which is fully marked with junctions and runs over wide sandy paths. The route is 24 kilometers long and suitable for both drivers and riders.

The route starts in the Veluwe village of Stroe, from the P Veluwe car park, 3776 LZ Houtbeekweg. From the A1 motorway at the Garderen exit, follow Stroe, via the roundabout and immediately after the railway line turn left and follow the Houtbeekweg to the parking lot. There are tie-in gates.

The Houtbeekweg along the track leads to the gate where you really enter the Veluwe. Follow this path until the first junction 23. Follow the route numbers start – 23 – 24 – 25 – 30 – 27 – 26 – 18 – 19 – 10 – 11 -04 – 05 – 06 – 07 – 08 – 09 – 21 – 22 – 23 to get back to the parking lot.

Between junctions 10 and 11 there is a rest area with tie-in gates and a picnic bench. A wonderful place to take a break and enjoy the silence in the forest.

Special features: wide sandy paths, no catering facilities along the way, but a rest area


We found the following routes in the area: