Empese en Tondense heide

The Empese and Tondense heath walking route is a signposted walking route of 5 kilometers through a beautiful and quiet nature reserve.

The Empese and Tondense heath walking route is a signposted walking route of 5 kilometers through a beautiful and quiet nature reserve.

The Empese and Tondense heath walking route is a signposted walking route of 5 kilometers. Part of the walk you walk on a boardwalk with water on the left and right. From the viewpoint a little further on you have a beautiful view over the bluish grassland. And with a bit of luck you will see a badger or deer wandering around.

Almost at the end of the route, wild gale grows, a protected shrub that has a beautiful reddish glow in winter. The nature reserve consists of grassland and boots are a must here, especially in winter, because the route can be very wet.


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