
This Klompenpad of approx. 16 km (can be shortened to 10 km) takes you through the beautiful countryside of Twello. Over stately estates, past characteristic farms and through the stream valley of the Fliert.

This Klompenpad of approx. 16 km (can be shortened to 10 km) takes you through the beautiful countryside of Twello. Over stately estates, past characteristic farms and through the stream valley of the Fliert.

The Fliertpad is indicated with a brown marker in the shape of a clog. The route is marked in two directions, so you can walk the route either left or right.
Parts of the marked path can be very muddy during wet periods. Boots are recommended.

The Fliertpad can be combined with the Tuylermarkerpad and the Avervoorderpad . Transfer points and routes are indicated on the map and in the field.

The brochure with map and background information is available in Twello at TIP Voorst (Marktplein 5), restaurant Taverne (HW Iordensweg 3), Landgoed Buitenpost (Rijksstraatweg 17a) and swimming pool De Schaeck (Veenhuisweg 53).

To avoid disturbing livestock and game, dogs are prohibited on private parts of the Klompenpad.

Discover the Fliertpad and walk with Klaas Drupsteen who, together with Omroep Gelderland, puts this beautiful clog path in the spotlight in his program Klaas op Klompen .


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