Kabouterroute Renkums Beekdal

Go looking for gnomes with the children on the gnome route in the Renkums Beekdal. Get a backpack with materials and explore!

Go looking for gnomes with the children on the gnome route in the Renkums Beekdal. Get a backpack with materials and explore!

Go looking for gnomes with your children! At least it seems that gnomes live in the Renkums Beekdal, because if you look very closely you can probably discover the gnome tracks yourself.

The gnome trail is a way to let young children (3 to 6 years old) experience nature in a playful way. Pick up a backpack with the materials needed to walk the route at the Renkums Beekdal information center . This can be done up to one hour before the information center closes.

What are you going to do?

The children, wearing pointed hats and with their cheeks painted red, walk a route of approximately 800 meters. Along the way they listen to a story from the gnome book and do gnome assignments.

When returning the backpack, the children receive a surprise, a voucher for a gnome cookie and a drink at the neighbors of the information center, Boscafé de Beken.

More information

Would you like more information about the gnome route in the Renkums Beekdal? Please contact the Renkums Beekdal information center via info@renkumsbeekdal.nl or 0317-318183.


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