Langs de akkers van Oud-Reemst

This wheelchair-friendly route of 1 km takes you past the fields of Oud-Reemst. Along the way you have a view over vast heathlands and you pass the hilly forest.

This wheelchair-friendly route of 1 km takes you past the fields of Oud-Reemst. Along the way you have a view over vast heathlands and you pass the hilly forest.

Enjoy the vast heathlands and explore the hilly forest. Visit the Oud-Reemst observation post and spot ponies and Spanish Sayaguesa cattle! Who knows, you might also come across a wild boar, red deer or roe deer! In spring and summer you can enjoy the song of the skylarks that are still common in this area.

Oud-Reemst is located on the remains of a moraine. When the fields were being sown, boulders were found here that were brought in by glaciers during the Ice Age. Along the way, children can build huts at OERRR and experience their nature adventures! You can make a stop at the picnic benches. Halfway through the route, you will have a view of the extensive grazing meadow from the observation post and you will pass a historic field that has been in use since the Middle Ages. Today, grains are still grown here organically.


The paths of this route are semi-paved and are therefore suitable for strollers and wheelchair users. Because the path to the observation post has a slope of 5%, it is recommended to take the route with guidance.

You can park your car at the Planken Wambuis car park, the starting point of this route. Are you coming by public transport? The Oud-Reemsterweg bus stop is located approximately 150 meters from the starting point of the route.

For more information about this route, visit


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