
Route through the Margarethabos, which is part of the Zandenbos. This route is 5 kilometers long and is marked with white posts.

Route through the Margarethabos, which is part of the Zandenbos. This route is 5 kilometers long and is marked with white posts.

Beautiful varied walking route through the Margarethabos, which is part of the Zandenbos. This route is 5 kilometers long and is marked with white posts. At the end of the 19th century, the Zandenbos consisted of steep drifting sand hills. In 1881 the Petersom Ramring family purchased the area. The (forester of the) family planted the sandy area with Scots pines, so that eventually a forest emerged. The last heir of the family donated the forest to the municipality in 1938 on the condition that it would remain a public walking area and nature reserve, after which the municipality sold the area to Staatsbosbeheer a year later under the same conditions. The Zandenbos is then a job creation project. The area now called Margarethabosch was named after the wife of Leonard van Petersom Ramring, her name was Margaretha. She once even had her own hut here, which she used to relax during her walks.


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