
A 7 kilometer walking route that focuses on stories: the Poetry Route in Renkum. During this walking route you will pass 15 benches with a QR code on them. Each bench represents a special new story!

A 7 kilometer walking route that focuses on stories: the Poetry Route in Renkum. During this walking route you will pass 15 benches with a QR code on them. Each bench represents a special new story!

The podcast Het Benje brought theater and art to the public: during a walk or a bike ride you could witness the most intimate, bizarre, moving dialogues that (perhaps) took place at the location on various benches in participating cities and municipalities. where you sat. With this route you will discover stories in the Renkum area. You can walk past 15 benches with their own QR code. Each bench represents a new story developed in collaboration with the Open Doek Foundation.


We found the following routes in the area: