Romeins Marskamp

The Roman Marching Camp near Ermelo is the only Roman Marching Camp found in the Netherlands. There are several burial mounds along the route and traces of the Romans can still be seen.

The Roman Marching Camp near Ermelo is the only Roman Marching Camp found in the Netherlands. There are several burial mounds along the route and traces of the Romans can still be seen.

The Roman Marching Camp near Ermelo is the only Roman Marching Camp found in the Netherlands. Excavations have shown that Marcus Aurelius’ army camped here on the heath for a few days in the year 170 AD.

It was a Martian camp that was set up in a few hours and served as an overnight stay for a few days. Afterwards the Romans moved on. The camp consisted of an area of approximately 250 by 350 meters with a wall around it and a moat along it. There are several burial mounds along the route, in these mounds people from the Beaker cultures (from 2800 BC) buried their dead. As many as 40 people were buried in some mounds and they were used at different periods.

You can find the Roman statue when you walk parallel to the Flevoweg (Provincialeweg).

The route can be followed using posts with an image of a Roman.


We found the following routes in the area: