Stuifzand- en heidewandeling rond het Hulshorsterzand

Enjoy the panoramic view or run down the sandy slope at the viewpoint on the Brandsweg, stroll along the heathlands and hear the birds chirping to each other and relax in parts of one of the oldest forests in the Netherlands.

Enjoy the panoramic view or run down the sandy slope at the viewpoint on the Brandsweg, stroll along the heathlands and hear the birds chirping to each other and relax in parts of one of the oldest forests in the Netherlands.

Enjoy the panoramic view or run down the sandy slope at the viewpoint on the Brandsweg, stroll along the heathlands and hear the birds chirping to each other and relax in parts of one of the oldest forests in the Netherlands. During this walking route along impressive drifting sand dunes, you immerse yourself in an ever-changing environment.

From the Brandsweg car park, follow the paths with the green arrows towards the viewpoint. It may be a bit of a climb up the winding sandy path and through the loose sand, but once there you will be treated to a beautiful view of the drifting dunes of the Hulshorsterzand.

While walking this route you will see two beautiful viewpoints, which offer a unique view of the drifting sand area. Sand dunes, heathland and forests intertwine here. This is the ideal place for children to run down the sand and roll around in the sand. During a heavy storm you can also clearly see from here that the sand can ‘smoke’ quite a bit. You will also see beautiful pine forests, heathlands and of course the special flora and perhaps fauna.

For all information and a downloadable version of this route, visit the Natuurmonumenten website.

If you are going to take this walk, wear good shoes and take plenty of water with you for the journey. On sunny days the temperature in this area can be high!


We found the following routes in the area: