Ugcheler Markepad

The Ugcheler Markepad: a clog path through the beautiful rural area of Ugchelen. Walking over heath and enk, along springs and through forests! Put on your clogs, backpack and go!

The Ugcheler Markepad: a clog path through the beautiful rural area of Ugchelen. Walking over heath and enk, along springs and through forests! Put on your clogs, backpack and go!

Follow the Ugcheler Markepad, a signposted walking route of 11 kilometers that allows you to discover the rural area of Ugchelen!

The fields of the hamlet of Ugchelen were always raised with heather sods, mixed with sheep manure, which is clearly visible in the slopes in the landscape. In the Het Leesten heathland area, traces of the penultimate ice age are clearly visible, when the ice pushed up the soil into moraines, of which the Veluwe massif is one of them. The walker also passes a beautiful fen and a burial mound. The Koppelsprengen are also beautiful, where the brook lamprey can be seen in the spring. The circular walk is marked with brown nuggets.

Please note: The hiking trail runs partly over private land, where cattle sometimes roam. To avoid disturbing the animals and to prevent the spread of animal diseases, dogs are prohibited.

For more information about the route and the route brochure, visit .


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