Wandelen over het Otterlose Zand

A 6.4 km long route across the Otterlose Zand starts near the Otterlo entrance of De Hoge Veluwe National Park.

A 6.4 km long route across the Otterlose Zand starts near the Otterlo entrance of De Hoge Veluwe National Park.

Walk the Otterlose Zand route through one of the oldest and most valuable nature reserves of the Hoge Veluwe National Park.

Find peace and quiet
The Otterlose Zand has only recently been part of the Hoge Veluwe National Park. It is a quiet part of the Park where you can take a relaxing walk. In addition to the Otterlose Zand, you also pass the juniper forest along the way, a unique piece of nature reserve. Many animal species live here, including deer, wild boar, foxes, badgers and mouflons.

Want to walk longer? Then choose the more extensive route of approximately 10.8 km. Want to know more about this route? Look here .

And for more walks on the Hoge Veluwe, visit Walking in Ede .


We found the following routes in the area: