Wandeling door de Sysselt

Walk the red post route through the Sysselt and enjoy this varied nature reserve. Tip: walk this route with (small) children.

Walk the red post route through the Sysselt and enjoy this varied nature reserve. Tip: walk this route with (small) children.

Walk the red post route through the Sysselt and enjoy this varied nature reserve. This route is 4.7 km long, so it is also a nice, brisk walk for (grand)children!

About the Sysselt
The Sysselt is characterized as a varied area. It mainly consists of extensive deciduous and coniferous forest areas, but you will also find heathlands and old planted drift sands. The Sysselt was once part of the so-called ‘Moftbos’, which belonged to the domains of the dukes of Gelre.

Climbing in Paradise
The route passes through a small area called Paradise. In this open stretch of drifting sand with pine trees, children can climb and build huts. In the meantime, relax on one of the (picnic) benches.

Look here for the red post route over the Sysselt.

The Sysselt is less accessible for cars due to road works. Advice: park at P+R Ede – Wageningen / Akoesticum at Doctor Hartogsweg 3 in Ede. From there it is about a 6-minute walk to the Sysselt.


We found the following routes in the area: