Wandelroute Wekeromse Zand

The Wekeromse Zand is a nature reserve in the area of Ede consisting of a sand drift, forest and heath. Rare birds live in the area and mouflons also graze. Discover the area with the marked hiking trails.

The Wekeromse Zand is a nature reserve in the area of Ede consisting of a sand drift, forest and heath. Rare birds live in the area and mouflons also graze. Discover the area with the marked hiking trails.

The Wekeromse Zand is a nature reserve in the area of Ede consisting of a sand drift, forest and heath. Rare birds live in the area and mouflons also graze. Discover the area with the marked hiking trails.

Two walks have been set out: a route of 7.5 kilometers, signposted with red numbers, and a route of 2 kilometers, signposted with blue numbers.


We found the following routes in the area: