Wildwandeling langs de akkers van Oud-Reemst

Take a beautiful trip along the fields of Oud-Reemst. Enjoy the view of the heath and look carefully to see if you can spot Veluwe game.

Take a beautiful trip along the fields of Oud-Reemst. Enjoy the view of the heath and look carefully to see if you can spot Veluwe game.

The wildlife walk along the fields of Oud-Reemst is a short circular walk. Halfway along the route there is an observation post where you can spot game. Tip: take this walk with (grand)children and teach them more about the wildlife on the Veluwe.

On an adventure through the fields
This adventurous route is ideal for those who want to see a lot, but do not want or cannot walk far. Pass hilly forest, the fields of Oud-Reemst and enjoy the view over the vast heathland halfway through the walk. There is a good chance that you will have a view of the ponies and the Spanish Sayaguesa cattle. You might also see a wild boar, roe deer or red deer.

Paradise for children
This route has a number of pleasant stops where you can do something. In the OERRR play area, children can play in nature. You can also explore at the wildlife observation post, check the rooting tracks of wild boars and visit a historic field.

Wheelchair accessible route
The path consists of semi-paved material and is therefore also suitable for wheelchairs, strollers and people who depend on a firm and flat surface for walking. Due to the slopes, wheelchair users are advised to do the tour under supervision.

Visit the Natuurmonumenten website for more information about this walking route.


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