Mountainbikeroute Nationaal Park Veluwezoom

Mountain biking through a landscape full of hills, forests, vast heathlands and drifting sand? Then look no further: this route on the Veluwezoom is one of the most beautiful routes in the Netherlands!

Mountain biking through a landscape full of hills, forests, vast heathlands and drifting sand? Then look no further: this route on the Veluwezoom is one of the most beautiful routes in the Netherlands!

Spicy climbs, sharp turns, good singletrack in one of the most beautiful national parks in the Netherlands: National Park Veluwezoom. Does this make your mountain bike heart beat faster? Then you should try the Mountainbikeroute National Park Veluwezoom!

The main route has a distance of 49 kilometers, but with the extras there is 58 kilometers to cover! The route distinguishes itself in many ways from other routes in the Netherlands. It is a tough, natural and adventurous route right through the Veluwezoom National Park and goes over paths and roads of several landowners. The route runs in the southern part with the most elevation meters and recreational facilities over the moraine with tough rough climbs and goes in the central and northern part along sand drifts, heathland, fens and forests where silence prevails and natural processes determine the landscape.

You can recognize the main route by the blue MTB symbol . The main route can be cycled in one direction. There are three starting points with catering facilities from which a route to the main route is indicated and three locations where the main route can be shortened. Catering facilities along the route are indicated with blue catering signs and direction arrows.

More of a challenge? Try the extras!

  1. Teerose Trail and Granny Trail – at the Brandtoren
  2. Shooting Mountain Trail – the bridge over the Holleweg
  3. Fortune Cookie (a round loop with the Pumptrail) in the Vrouwendal, a red loop that you encounter when you cycle the green main route, you return to the green main route 50 meters further on.

Starting locations

  • The Heather Rose, Eerbeek

From these starting locations, follow the approach route to reach the main route.

Tip: On this website with starting tips you will find everything you need for an unforgettable mountain bike experience in National Park Veluwezoom; relevant information about the MTB route , the red extra kilometers, the condition of the route, GPS data, maps and tips from local residents for nice alternatives and the best starting and rest locations.


We found the following routes in the area: