Two people walking in Elburg forest
Nature, Elburg © Hetty van Oijen


According to many, the Veluwe is the most beautiful nature reserve in the Netherlands, and we agree! You will discover beautiful moors, sandy plains, rivers and forests. All areas that will stay with you long after your visit. For example, cycle past the old paper mills in the IJsselvallei or walk through the Speulderbos, also called the forest of dancing trees.

Are you coming to the Veluwe to spot wildlife? Then Het Nationale Park De Hoge Veluwe is really for you! The fox, badger, roe deer, wild boar and red deer are the Big Five of the Netherlands and you can spot them all at the Hoge Veluwe! Sometimes the Scottish Highlander and the beaver are also mentioned. You can see these there too, as well as hundreds of other mammals, birds, reptiles and insects.

Wildlife spotting on the Veluwe

On the Veluwe the wildlife has all the freedom. With a little luck, you’ll see it live, too, when you come face to face with the animals. Plan a sunrise walk through the varied landscapes and bring your binoculars. Everywhere you will find special animals like red deer, wild boar, mouflons or foxes! Will you come and spot wildlife too?

Hert in het veld, omringd door groen gras en bomen. Majestueus dier met imposante geweien.

Nationaal Park De Hoge Veluwe © Jurjen Drenth