Verborgen trappentour

Explore the castle with a guide through secret passages and staircases and end your tour with a beautiful view.

From April to September, visitors will have the opportunity to explore the secret corridors, staircases and rooms of Cannenburch Castle under the guidance of a guide. The guide will lead you through the vaults and the kitchen to the first floor of the castle. Then an inconspicuous door opens, you leave all other museum visitors behind you and begin the climb towards the castle tower. Along the way, you will encounter various service rooms and visit the fragment attic, among other things. The tour ends with a beautiful view of the surrounding water-rich environment from ‘De UI’ of the castle. Date & time: April to September, first Wednesday and third Saturday of the month at 11:00 & 13:15. During the summer holidays, it is also possible to participate in a hidden staircase tour on Wednesday 30 July and Wednesday 20 August. There is room for a maximum of 10 people per tour. Duration and accessibility: The tour lasts approximately 1 hour and is unfortunately not suitable for small children and visitors with walking difficulties due to the many stairs. Reservations: are necessary

All dates (t/m 3 Sep 2025)

  • Wednesday2 April
  • Saturday19 April
  • Wednesday7 May
  • Saturday17 May
  • Wednesday4 June
  • Saturday21 June
  • Wednesday2 July

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Wed 2 April


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