Gedenksteen bij ‘Het Verscholen Dorp’

Pas Op-Weg , Vierhouten

From February 1943 to October 1944 there was a secret/hidden village in the woods near Vierhouten. This village consisted of nine huts, where a total of about 80 to 100 people found safe shelter during this period.

From February 1943 to October 1944 there was a secret/hidden village in the woods near Vierhouten. This village consisted of nine huts, where a total of about 80 to 100 people found safe shelter during this period. This included Jews, Allied pilots and men who withdrew from work. The initiator of the village was Eduard von Baumhauer and the Bakker couple. On October 29, 1944, the camp was discovered by chance by two men from the Dutch Landwacht. Although many people in hiding were able to escape, eight Jewish people in hiding were imprisoned. Two of them were executed near the De Paasheuvel camp house, the other six on Tongerenseweg. Among them was a six-year-old boy.

Address and contact

Pas Op-Weg


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