
This former toll house was built between 1814-1827. Signage has been painted on the facade showing the distance in kilometers to Zutphen (7.1), Deventer (9.6) and Apeldoorn (13.33).

At that time, the current Rijksstraatweg was the paved national road that ran from Apeldoorn to Zutphen. Tolls were collected along this road until 1900. This means that travelers had to pay a certain amount of money to use the road. This was used to pay for the maintenance of the roads. A large barrier had been placed across the road, which only opened once you had paid the money to the toll collector. This toll collector lived in the toll booth.

This road was already a toll road long before 1814-1827. In 1698, ‘the Heeren Staten des Furstendoms Gelre and Graefschaps Zutphen’ levied road fees on the roads between Het Loo-Zutphen and Het Loo-Deventer. As a rider on horseback you had to pay 1 penny for you and your horse, for four sheep you paid half a penny. However, as a resident of Voorst (and Apeldoorn and Het Loo) you were exempt from tolls.

After the toll was lifted around 1900, the State sold the building to the Beekzicht estate. It still belongs here.

Address and contact

Beekzichtweg 34
7383 AS Voorst


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