Privacy and Cookie Statement

 Toerisme Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen 

This privacy and cookie statement was last updated on December 4, 2023. 

Toerisme Veluwe Arnhem Nijmegen B.V. (hereinafter: Toerisme VAN) likes to inform visitors about activities in the Veluwe region and the surrounding areas of Arnhem and Nijmegen. Toerisme VAN offers various websites for this purpose: 

As part of the services provided by Toerisme VAN, personal data is processed. In this privacy and cookie statement, you can read which personal data we process from you and what we do with it. This privacy and cookie statement applies to the above websites. 

Our privacy and cookie statement in brief 

Your privacy is very important to us. We therefore comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that we: 

  • Clearly state our purposes before processing your personal data, via this privacy and cookie statement. 
  • Store as little personal data as possible and only the data necessary for our purposes. 
  • Explicitly ask for permission to process your personal data, should permission be required. 
  • Take necessary security measures to protect your personal data. We also impose these obligations on parties that process personal data for us. 
  • Respect your rights, such as the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. 

For what purposes do we use your personal data? 

We obtain various personal data from you. For each purpose, we specify which data we obtain from you, for what purpose we process this data, and how long we retain it. If you have any questions or want to know exactly what we keep from you, please contact us. The contact details are at the end of this privacy and cookie statement. 


It is possible to create an account on our website. Within your account, you can indicate your interests/favorites. This way, you have a lot of information about the area in your own account. We need this data to provide our services to you (performance of the contract). 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Login details 
  • Name 
  • Interests/Favorites 
  • IP address 
  • Other information relevant to the agreement 

We store this data until 2 years after you last logged into your account. After that, we assume you no longer wish to use our services. 


On our website, you can mark locations, routes, and events as ‘favorites.’ This way, you get a list that you have compiled yourself. This keeps you informed about what you like in the area. All information can be found in the ‘My Veluwe’ area. 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Login details 
  • Favorites you mark on the website 
  • IP address 

We store your data as long as you use our services. If you have not used our services for 2 years, we will delete your data. We then assume that you no longer wish to use our services. 


You can sign up for the VisitVeluwe, VisitArnhem, and VisitNijmegen newsletters via our website (consent). We send a quarterly newsletter by email with promotions, discounts, and information about activities in the Veluwe, Arnhem, and Nijmegen areas. Additionally, we can send personalized messages based on your account if you wish. 

For this purpose, we process your email address. 

We store your data until you unsubscribe from our newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of the newsletter. 

Location data 

On our website, you have the option to share your location (consent). This way, you can see where you are currently located and what activities are available in your area. 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Location data 
  • Favorites you mark on the website 

We store your data for the period you use our website for sharing your location. 

Downloading information 

On our website, you can download brochures and other informative documents (performance of the contract). 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Email address 
  • Interests/Preferences 

We store your data for 2 years after you request the information. 


Our website displays images. These images can be produced by us or by our various partners. 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Name 
  • Contact details (email address and phone number) 
  • Images 
  • Any information you disclose about yourself in images 

We do this based on your consent, which you have given to us or one of our partners. We store this information until you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. 


You have the opportunity to fill out a survey about our services. We can use your input to improve our services. 

We process your personal data based on legitimate interest. We have a commercial interest in improving our services. Your feedback helps us better serve visitors to the Veluwe, Arnhem, and Nijmegen areas. 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Name 
  • Email address 
  • Survey content 

We store this data for a maximum of 2 years after you complete the survey. 

Becoming a partner 

Do you want to promote your business to our website visitors? Then you can promote your business through our network (performance of the contract). 

For this purpose, we process the following personal data: 

  • Name and contact details of the contact person 
  • Position 
  • Business information 
  • Invoice data 
  • Images 
  • Correspondence 

We store this data for the duration of the collaboration or until 2 years after you have indicated that you wish to become a partner. We store some data longer if we are legally obliged to do so (for example, due to the 7-year tax retention obligation). 

When can we share your personal data with third parties? 

Toerisme VAN only shares your data with third parties if this is permitted by current legislation. It may occur that we provide your personal data to third parties because: 

  • we have engaged them to process certain data; 
  • we have a legal basis for this; 
  • we are legally obliged to do so (for example, if the police require it in case of a suspected crime). 

The parties that process personal data in our or your assignment are: 

  • IT suppliers 
  • Cookie service providers 
  • Partners 

Some of our suppliers are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). In this case, we ensure that appropriate safeguards are taken to protect your privacy. 

This privacy and cookie statement applies exclusively to the services of Toerisme VAN. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of other websites that are accessible via a link on our website. 

Social Media Buttons 

Our website uses social media buttons that redirect you to the respective social media platforms. This gives you the option to follow us and share content within the network. You will also see advertisements on your social media page. The buttons work due to pieces of code coming from the social media networks. If you want to know what the social media platforms do with your personal data, please read the respective privacy statements: 


On our website, we use cookies from ourselves and third parties. Cookies are information files that can be automatically stored on or read from the visitor’s device (such as a PC, tablet, or smartphone) when visiting a website. This is done via the web browser on the device. 

We use the following types of cookies: 

  • Functional cookies: These cookies have a functional role within the website. They ensure that the website functions properly. 
  • Analytical cookies: These cookies give us insight into how our website is used. Based on this information, we can make our website more user-friendly. 
  • Marketing cookies: These cookies allow us to show you personalized advertisements (via our advertising partners). 

The cookies can collect the following data from you: 

  • Name 
  • Login information 
  • Screen display options 
  • IP address 
  • Cookie ID 
  • Website and click behavior 
  • Referrer URL 

When you visit one of our websites for the first time, we display a message explaining cookies. We will ask for your consent to use cookies as far as we are obliged to do so. 

In the table below, you will find an overview of the cookies we use. 

Type  Cookie; Entity; Safeguards  Purpose  Retention period 
Functional  Various: First-party cookies with strictly functional purposes  These cookies enable necessary functionalities of the application, such as remembering the chosen language and whether consent for cookies has been given, displaying the cookie banner, etc.  Maximum 2 years 


Google Tag Manager; Google LLC, United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  Cookies from Google Tag Manager enable the loading of scripts from other cookies. Google Tag Manager is purely functional and is not used to collect personal data.  Session 
Analytical  Google Analytics; Google LLC, United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  These cookies are placed to gain insight into user behavior and to improve the user experience based on this information.  Maximum 2 years 
Marketing  Facebook Custom Audience; Facebook, Inc., United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  These cookies are used to enable Facebook’s advertising options. They record click behavior and website visits. These cookies register, for example, a unique ID to recognize returning devices. The aim is to show targeted and personalized ads.  Maximum 3 months 


Facebook Pixel; Facebook, Inc., United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  These cookies are used to enable Facebook’s advertising options. They record click behavior and website visits. These cookies register a unique ID to recognize returning devices. The aim is to show targeted and personalized ads.  Maximum 3 months 


YouTube; Google LLC, United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  These cookies ensure that all videos from YouTube can be played on the website. The cookies store user preferences.  Maximum 6 months 


GA Audiences; Google LLC, United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  The cookies from GA Audiences are used to return website visitors based on their online behavior. This means that (among other things) click behavior is recorded to measure effectiveness and show website visitors personalized content.  Maximum 6 months 


Google AdWords (Conversion); Google DoubleClick; Google Dynamic Remarketing; Google LLC, United States; Privacy Policy; Data Privacy Framework  Cookies from Google are used to test the effectiveness of ads across websites. Cookies from Google AdWords are used to return website visitors based on their online behavior. We do remarketing and measure our advertising campaigns to show relevant ads. This website uses Google’s retargeting options. This enables us to target visitors to our website who have previously shown interest with personalized ads tailored to the person and their interests in the Google search engine and Google Network.  Maximum 1 year  

Enabling and disabling cookies 

In your web browser, you can set that cookies are only accepted when you agree. For more information, please refer to your browser’s manual. Please note that many websites do not function optimally if cookies are disabled. 

Deleting cookies 

Most cookies have an expiration date. If an expiration date is set, the cookie is automatically deleted when the expiration date is reached. You can also choose to manually delete the cookies before the expiration date. For this, refer to your browser’s manual. Below you will find a link for each browser to the provider’s website, which explains step-by-step how to block or delete cookies. 

  • Internet Explorer 
  • Google Chrome 
  • Firefox 
  • Edge 
  • Safari 

How are your personal data protected? 

The security of personal data is very important to us. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures regarding the processing of personal data to protect against loss or any form of unlawful processing (such as unauthorized access, damage, modification, or disclosure of personal data). We continuously adapt security measures and pay close attention to what could go wrong. 

What privacy rights do you have? 

  • Right of access: You have the right to access the personal data we process from you. 
  • Right of rectification: You have the right to correct or complete the personal data we process from you if they are incorrect or incomplete. 
  • Right to object: You can object to the processing of your personal data, including direct marketing. 
  • Right to deletion: You can request us to delete your personal data. 
  • Right to withdraw your consent: If you have given us consent to process personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. 
  • Right to data portability: If it is technically possible, you have the right to have the personal data we process from you transferred to a third party. 
  • Right to restrict processing: In some cases, you can request us to restrict (temporarily or otherwise) the processing of your personal data. 

For your request, we may ask you to identify yourself. We request information to ensure that you are the correct person to whom the personal data belongs. 

We will generally comply with your request within 30 days. This period can be extended for reasons related to specific privacy rights or the complexity of the request. If we extend this period, we will notify you in time. 

If you wish to exercise one of your rights, please send a message to 

Changes to the privacy and cookie statement 

When our services change, we naturally need to adjust the privacy and cookie statement. Always pay attention to the date at the top of this document and regularly check for new versions. 

Questions or complaints 

If you have any questions or want to file a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can send an email to We will handle every question and complaint internally and communicate this further with you. If you feel that we are not helping you correctly, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. This is called the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. 

Contact details 

  • Toerisme VAN B.V. Dorpsstraat 14 6661 EK Elst 
  • Email:  
  • Phone: 088 366 0250 
  • KvK: 09157019