At the Loenense Waterval you get an impression of the streams on which the flour mills and paper mills of yesteryear operated. With a drop of no less than 15 meters, the waterfall is the highest in the Netherlands.
At the Loenense Waterval you get an impression of the streams on which the flour mills and paper mills of yesteryear operated. With a drop of no less than 15 meters, the waterfall is the highest in the Netherlands. Fun for children and a great starting point for a wonderful walking and cycling tour. The spring that supplies the water originates in the forests of the Schalter and consists of two parts, the Vrijenbergspreng and the Veldhuizerspreng. These are each about 6 kilometers long. There are also several side streams, gradually forming a wide stream. The steps of the waterfall have been constructed.
- Category:
- Bezienswaardigeheden
Address and contact
Beekbergerweg 52
7371 EW Loenen