Parkeerterrein ‘De Oude Vos’

Just outside the historic center of Elburg, near the harbour, is the ‘De Oude Vos’ car park. You can park here for free. The parking lot is just a few minutes’ walk from the center. You drive from the Flevoweg into the Havenkade and then take the main road to the right just before restaurant […]

Just outside the historic center of Elburg, near the harbour, is the ‘De Oude Vos’ car park. You can park here for free. The parking lot is just a few minutes’ walk from the center. You drive from the Flevoweg into the Havenkade and then take the main road to the right just before restaurant ‘t Boothuis. You will then arrive directly at the parking lot.

Address and contact

8081 GP Elburg


We have found the following locations near Parkeerterrein ‘De Oude Vos’: