Digital information center, online tourist information about the municipality of Voorst, the green heart in the city triangle of Apeldoorn, Deventer and Zutphen.
One of the most beautiful areas in the Netherlands is located between the Veluwe and the IJssel. Vast floodplains, red and white cows in the fields, stately farms and charming villages, and above all: the river that meanders through the landscape. This is the IJsselvallei! Here you can enjoy hours of walking without crossing a public road. Kilometers of cycle routes along the dike. From the pleasant hustle and bustle on and around the IJssel. Cool things to do at Airport Teuge. And the beneficial wellness and tranquility along the Bussloo recreational lake. It’s just fun here. Small-scale and no-nonsense, with both feet in the Voorster clay. Literally, if you would. Voorst is happy to welcome you!
Visit Voorst can be reached by telephone on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on 06 – 83 60 66 37.
Address and contact