
That former hunting lodge with red and white shutters is located on the Lathmer estate. It is a striking building in an architectural style that refers to the rural environment.

As a building type it is unique for the municipality of Voorst. The hunting lodge is of cultural-historical importance because it shows something of the period in which nature and the outdoors were idealized. This is also emphasized by the Latin text by Horace in the panel above the entrance door. This boils down to the following: you are happy if you honor the simple peasant life of your ancestors and stay away from trade, public life and the houses of powerful, wealthy people.

The house dates from the early 19th century, but was rebuilt after a fire in 1909. There are three facade stones. In addition to the aforementioned stone with the text of Horace, there are two more facade stones with the initials and names of the Van Broeckhuisen-Van Lynden family.

Address and contact

Weversboschweg 3
7384 EC Wilp


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