Landgoed Hunderen

Hunderenselaan 7, Twello

Hunderen is – with house (national monument) and yard – a complete ensemble and is considered one of the oldest places in Twello. The cultural-historical value is very high. Huis Hunderen has been extensively renovated several times.

The original 17th century house had wings. They were demolished in 1863. That year the house received the triangular pediment above the entrance and a wooden turret on the roof. The spacious coach house was built in 1853 according to a gable stone.

Did you know that Hella Haasse wrote a book about one of the families of House Hunderen. In 1809 J. Kerkhoven became owner of the Hunderen estate. The sons and grandsons of this owner settled in Java as tea planters. The book ‘Heren van de tee’ by Hella Haasse is dedicated to this family.

The yard is partly located along the Fliert. The natural and landscape values are high around and along the Fliert. The broad orchid, a nationally important species, grows on Hunderen. The small loach, an internationally important fish species, also lives there. Furthermore, special butterflies flutter there and dragonflies and damselflies live there. The great crested newt is found directly to the east of the Hunderen estate. The park forest around the house is valuable in many ways. On the west side of Hunderen there are two forest plots with relatively young mixed deciduous forest with a good production value. The grasslands also located on the west side are extensively managed for the development of blue grasslands and other poor grassland types. A lot of attention is paid to sight lines and avenues.

Due to the current function of the Hunderen, a care location for the elderly with dementia, the country house and coach house are not open. Outside the canal around the house, the estate is open to walkers. Klompenpad The Fliertpad partly goes over the estate.

Since 1975, the Geldersch Landschap & Kastelen Foundation has been the owner of this special estate through a donation, and they have the obligation to maintain it ‘forever’.

Address and contact

Hunderenselaan 7
7391 TB Twello


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